efore a stallion can begin his breeding career with the KWPN, he must undergo a strict selection process. Knaap: “The selection process begins in December with the first round viewings. Those that pass the first round viewing may proceed to the second round held in February at the KWPN Stallion Show. The KWPN Stallion Show is an annual event at which quality stallions are evaluated in separate viewings. A stallion’s traits, conformation, ability, lineage, and health are all considered before he may advance to the final step in the selection process: the performance test. This test yields a wealth of information about each stallion. In the performance test, stallions are evaluated on both natural sport talent and temperament. Ultimately, they are selected for their potential as breeding stallions for the future KWPN population. Following successful completion of the performance test, a stallion is approved.”
The purpose of the offspring inspection is to provide breeders and other interested parties with valuable information about the quality of stallions’ offspring. The inspections, which are conducted by a special committee, are held at specified times over a span of many years. The first time this inspections takes place is in the year following the year in which the stallion is approved or acknowledged. A collection of foals from the first year of the stallion is evaluated on a central location. This is an interesting moment for the breeders. They can now see with their own eyes what the first inheritance of a young stallion looks like and what type of mare seems to fit him the best. By the end of the year in which the eldest descendants of a KWPN-approved jumper are four years of age a new evaluation takes place. The conformation and the movement of the offspring are very important during these first two Offspring selections. The inspections following these are the ones of the descendants at seven and eleven years of age. The performance of these descendants plays a very important role during this particular inspection.
Upon the stallion selection committee’s recommendation, those stallions that have demonstrated excellence in siring good jumpers or dressage horses, or stallions that have demonstrated excellence in sport are granted KWPN-recognized status. Only exceptional stallions are eligible for individual recognition.